This section displays a listing of some of the advertisements that may be displayed on your jukeboxes.

The main filter for the ads section is the drop-down option for Advertisements for. You can display all jukeboxes, a group of jukeboxes, or an individual jukebox.

Note: A jukebox group is a way to organize your jukeboxes (commonly by route, by location types/genre, etc.). For more information on creating and maintaining groups, open the Groups tab and click Help.

The display table contains five fields of information.

This jukebox icon indicates that this ad allowed to run on the selected jukebox. If you have selected either All Jukeboxes or a jukebox group for this search, a hollow icon (white, outlined icon) indicates the ad is on at least one of the selected jukeboxes. A solid icon indicates the ad is on all of the selected jukeboxes.

Place the mouse cursor over the icon to display which jukeboxes are allowed to display the ad.

The fact that an ad is allowed to be displayed on a jukebox does not guarantee that it will be.

Opt Out This checkbox indicates whether the advertisement is active or not. Checking or Unchecking the box changes the status of the advertisement from Active/Campaign to Opted Out.
NameThis is the name of the advertisement clip
StatusThe status of the clip can have two values:
  • CAMPAIGN: This clip will be distributed to the network in the future
  • ACTIVE: This clip is currently distributed to the network
  • Opted Out: This clip is NOT currently distributed to the network
Play ClipClick to view the advertisement in the browser.