Use this tab to view and download all available music update files. This tab displays only if you have jukeboxes using a dial-up connection.

Music update files can be created to update music on dial-up jukeboxes. The music update files are created when you order music for a dial-up jukebox or a group which contains dial-up jukeboxes and you select one of the "USB" options as a delivery method. After the music update file is created, it is available to download to a USB Flash Thumb Drive, where it can be hand carried to the Jukebox and used to install the music updates. The Files tab provides a way of tracking the status of all music update files, both active and historical.

The main filter for the page is the drop-down option for Music Update Files for. You can display all jukeboxes, a group of jukeboxes, or an individual jukebox. Only jukeboxes using a dial-up connection are listed in the options list. If you have only one jukebox using a dial-up connection, no drop-down menu will be displayed. When a music order file is built and ready to be downloaded, a download icon is displayed to the right of the File Name. To download a built file, click on the File Name.

Note: A jukebox group is a way to organize your jukeboxes (commonly by route, by location type/genre, etc.). For more information on creating and maintaining groups, open the Groups tab and click Help.

The display table contains seven fields of information. You can search the jukebox listing using one of the Search filters (see below for search filter details).

Column NameDescription
Order #This is the music order number to which the music update file is associated.
ExpiresThis is the date that the music update file expires. The music update file is available for 90 days after order. After 90 days, the file is automatically deleted from the AMI server. If you have music update files that are about to expire, the system will display a warning message on the Home tab.
This icon indicates that the music update file has finished building on all targeted jukeboxes.
StatusThere are seven possible statuses:
  • Building - Indicates that the music update file is still being built and has not yet completed. Depending on the size of the music order, this process can take several minutes.
  • Complete - The music update file completed loading successfully on the jukebox.
  • Complete with Errors - The music update file completed loading on the jukebox and one or more errors were reported during the process.
  • Error - The music update file failed to build. The music must be re-ordered and another music update file created in order to update the music successfully.
  • In Progress - The music update file has been installed on the Jukebox and is currently being processed.
  • In Progress with Errors - The music update file has been installed on the jukebox, is currently being processed and one or more errors have been reported during the processing.
  • Pending - Indicates that the music update file has been built and is ready for downloading to the jukebox(es).
UserThis is the name of the user who placed the order that created the file.
File NameThis column first lists the number of files then displays the specific file information. Click on the file name to begin the download.

Jukebox This column lists the name(s) of the jukebox(es) for which this music update file was created. If the file was created for a single jukebox, the name of the jukebox is displayed. If the file was created for multiple jukeboxes, the number of jukeboxes is displayed and the names of the jukeboxes can be seen when you hover over the number.

You can use any of the following Search filters to customize the music update file listing. As you select different Search filters, additional options may be displayed, as described below.

Search FilterDescription
Show AllThis option displays all music update files that match the main filter criteria.
File Created bySelect a user from the drop-down user list to display all music update files that were created by a specific user.
Files ExpiringSelect an expiration timeframe from the drop-down menu. The options are:
  • Anytime
  • Within the next week
  • Within the next 2 weeks
  • Within the next month
  • Within the next 3 months
Files for Order #Enter an order number into the text box.
Advanced SearchThe Advanced Search filter gives you all of the options above at the same time.