Use the Groups tab to create and manage groups. A jukebox group is a way to organize your jukeboxes (commonly by route, by location, or by location genre) in order to perform maintenance (order music, run reports, etc.) on more than one jukebox at a time. This tab displays all groups that you have created and provides access to the Create a New Jukebox Group page.

Note: This tab only displays if you have at least three jukeboxes.

The display table listing the groups contains three fields of information.

Column NameDescription
GroupThis is the name of the group. To go directly to the Membership page to see the details of the group, click on the group name.
JukeboxesThis is the number of jukeboxes in the group. To go directly to the Membership page to see the details of the group, click on the number. Expand the group to display the jukeboxes in that group.
DescriptionThis is the description of the group, if you entered one on the Group Details page.

To create a new jukebox group, click the Create Group button. The Create a New Jukebox Group page is displayed.