The Home tab gives you a snapshot of statuses for all of your jukeboxes and selectors. In addition, this page provides the latest AMI news and displays notification of any serious issues with your jukeboxes or music orders. This is an information-only page, with no actionable options.

Tabs for the major application areas are displayed along the top of the page. These tabs remain available for easy access at any time. The tabs that you see vary, depending on your role and the configuration of your company. For details for a specific tab, open the tab and then click Help.

The page is comprised of five information areas: Alerts, Status, News, Featured, and Favorites.

Page AreaDescription
AlertsAlerts are urgent messages from the system to indicate that either a music download error has occurred or that a music order file you ordered is about to expire. If an alert is sent, it will display directly below the tabs, within a yellow color bar. Addionally, operator notifications will be displayed in red banners that can be clicked in order to display the appropriate page for handling and dismissing the notifications.
StatusThe Status box displays a summary tally of your jukeboxes and selectors, listing the number of each for the various statuses. A Jukebox Total and a Selector Total is also displayed. There are four possible statuses:
  • Error - Indicates something is wrong and you must take an action.
  • Warning - Indicates that you have not heard anything from the jukebox but it is still making money.
  • Inactive - Indicates that the jukebox is not currently active. Inactive can indicate one of three states: Ignore (i.e., damaged or lost), Ready (unplugged, no network connection, and not earning any money, as in when you first purchase a machine), and Offline (intentionally shut down).
  • Good - Indicates that the machine is connected and working properly.

Note: Hover over any of the status numbers to see the names of the machines.

NewsThis area contains music bulletins - snippets of information from the AMI music librarian.
FeaturedThe Featured area displays the AMI music librarian's feature choice of albums. This can include seasonal music, albums that were just released, etc. Thumbnail icons of the albums are displayed and you can click the icon to go to the Music tab and order the album.

To display the Featured items by genre, select the desired genre from the drop-down menu.

FavoritesAlbums in this area are listed by popularity within the whole network.

The default display shows the Top 50 Favorites of all genres. To see the top 10 of a specific genre, select the desired genre from the drop-down menu. You can click on the album to go to the Music tab and order the album.