Help & Tutorial Index / Jukeboxes Tab

Use this tab to manage all of your jukeboxes. This tab displays a listing of some or all of your jukeboxes. It provides a table containing the jukebox status, along with other key summary information. At any time, you can click on a jukebox name to open the Jukebox Details page for that jukebox.

The main filter for the page is the drop-down option for Showing Statistics for. You can display all jukeboxes, a group of jukeboxes, or an individual jukebox.

Note: A jukebox group is a way to organize your jukeboxes (commonly by route, by location types/genre, etc.). For more information on creating and maintaining groups, open the Groups tab and click Help.

The display table contains 12 fields of information. You can search the jukebox listing using one of the Search filters (see below for search filter details).

Column NameDescription
This area displays any applicable jukebox informational badges. The possible badges are:
  • There are active alerts for this jukebox
  • This jukebox is connected to a location that is AMI Music enabled
  • This jukebox is connected to a location that is not AMI Music enabled
StatusThere are four possible statuses:
  • Error - Indicates something is wrong and you must take an action. Hover over the status with your mouse pointer to see the specific problem causing the error. See the Help for the Jukebox Details page for a full listing of diagnostic values.
  • Warning - Indicates that AMI server has not heard anything from the jukebox but it is still taking money.
  • Inactive - Indicates that the jukebox is not currently active. Inactive can indicate one of three states: Ignore (i.e., damaged or lost), Ready (configured in the system but has not checked in with the AMI server, as in when you first purchase a machine), and Offline (intentionally shut down).
  • Good - Indicates that the machine is connected and working properly.
JukeboxThis is the name you have assigned to the jukebox.
TodayThis column shows a running total of revenue reported by the jukebox for today's business day. Hover over the value to show a breakdown of revenue by bill, coin, credit card, and selector. Since these values are based on the latest data reported from the jukeboxes and can be affected by jukebox connectivity, they are estimates and not yet finalized. Because it contains financial information, this field is only viewable by Operator Executives.
YesterdayThis column shows a running total of revenue reported by the jukebox for yesterday's business day. Hover over the value to show a breakdown of revenue by bill, coin, credit card, and selector. Since these values are based on the latest data reported from the jukeboxes and can be affected by jukebox connectivity, they are estimates and not yet finalized. Because it contains financial information, this field is only viewable by Operator Executives.
This icon indicates that the network connection is Dialup. If this icon is not present, the network connection is Broadband.
This icon indicates the jukebox can play music videos.
ModelThis is the model name of the jukebox.
SNThis is the serial number of the jukebox.

Note: Serial numbers are not unique, but they are unique within a model type.

The connection field displays the amount of time that has passed since the jukebox connected to the server. Ideally, the jukebox connects to the AMI server every two minutes or so. This number is rounded to the last largest unit. To see the actual timestamp, hover over the number with your mouse pointer.
The Selectors column displays the number of selectors that are connected to the jukebox.
Albums/MaxThis column displays the number of albums that are currently on the jukebox and the maximum number of albums allowed. Typically, the maximum is 300, but it is defined per contract. If the jukebox has any albums in an error state, the number of albums is listed in parentheses ( xx ). Hover over the number with your mouse pointer to see the list of albums.
CartThis number indicates how many items for the jukebox you have placed in your shopping cart.
The Download Percentage column shows the percentage of completion for any current downloads for the jukebox.

You can use any of the following Search filters to customize the jukebox listing. As you select different Search filters, additional options may be displayed, as described below.

Search FilterDescription
Any JukeboxThis option displays all jukeboxes that match the main filter criteria.
Jukebox StatusSelect a status from the drop-down menu to display all jukeboxes matching that status. The options are:
  • Any Status
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Inactive
  • Good
NameEnter a jukebox name in the text entry field to see a specific jukebox. The search is a "contains" search. For instance, if you enter "Roy," jukeboxes with names like "Royal Caterers" or "Fitzroy Pub" will display.

Note: The only special characters allowed in names are # - / & ( ) , @

Serial NumberEnter all or part of a serial number to display a specific jukebox.
ModelSelect a model from the drop-down menu. The menu list is populated with all models that you own plus an Any Model option.
ConnectionSelect a connection type. The options are:
  • Any
  • Broadband
  • Dialup
VideoThis option displays only jukeboxes with the ability to play music videos.
With Music ErrorsThis option displays only jukeboxes with errors related to music downloads.
Advanced SearchThe Advanced Search filter gives you all of the options above at the same time.