Help & Tutorial Index / Ads Tab / Ads List Page

Use this tab to manage venue advertisements for your locations. This tab displays a listing of some or all of your venue ads. It provides a table containing the advertisement status along with other key summary information. At any time, you can click on a venue advertisement name to open the Venue Ad Details page for that ad.

You can display venue advertisements for all locations, or an individual location by typing a location's name into the filter box. This filter box also lets you filter venue ads by name, or any other displayed data (start date, end date, etc)

To create a new venue advertisement, click the Create Venue Ad button. To view and edit details for an existing venue ad, click on the name of the venue advertisement. New advertisements cannot be created for anonymous locations or locations with incomplete address information.

Please note: ads created using Ad Manager 1.0 are no longer supported and cannot be edited here.

The display table contains 5 pieces of information, a duplicate icon, a delete icon, and an enable checkbox. You can search the venue ad listing using one of the Search filters (see below for search filter details).

Column NameDescription
StatusCheck this checkbox to activate an inactive ad. Uncheck the checkbox to deactivate an active ad.
NameThis is the name you have assigned to the venue advertisement.
Start DateThis is the scheduled start date an active venue ad will begin to play on the devices.
End DateThis is the scheduled end date an active venue ad will stop playing on the devices.
Location(s)This indicates the name of one or more locations to which the venue ad has been assigned. If the venue ad is targeted to more than one location, click the icon to expand the list of locations.
DevicesThis shows a device type and a count for all devices that are currently assigned to play the venue ad. The icon represents one or more jukeboxes, and the icon represents one or more Media Player devices.

Click on the small arrow to show the device name for all the devices targeted by this venue ad. Click on a device name to navigate to the detail page for that device.
Click on this icon to duplicate your venue advertisement, to create a new ad based on one you've already created.
Click on this icon to delete your venue advertisement.