Help & Tutorial Index / Ads Tab / Local Ad Details Page

To see the Local Ad Details page for a specific local ad, you must click on the ad name in the listing on the Ads tab.

The main filter for the page is Details for Local Ad. Select a local ad name from the drop down.

To delete the local ad, click the Delete Ad button at the top of the page at any time. Click the Disable Ad button to disable an active ad. Click the Enable Ad button to enable an inactive ad.

The page is comprised of three areas: Local Ad Status, Local Ad Details, and Local Ad Media.

Click Save & Create to save the local ad details and create a new ad. New advertisements cannot be created for anonymous locations or locations with incomplete address information.

Page AreaDescription
Local Ad Status This area indicates the current status of the ad media. This page area is only visible after the ad media has been created and the ad is in the Active, Inactive, or Waiting for Content states.
Local Ad Details You have the option to modify the following settings for ads in the Active state:
  • Name - Indicates the name of the local ad. This is a required field.
  • Start Date - Indicates the scheduled start date an active local ad will begin to play on the devices. This is a required field.
  • End Date - Indicates the scheduled end date an active local ad will stop playing on the devices. This is a required field.
  • Location List - Indicates the name of one or more locations to which the local ad is assigned. Click the Add or Change buttons to add or change the locations where the local ad will be played. At least one location is required.
  • Device Type - Indicates which type of devices will play the local ad. Check a device type to assign the local ad to play on that device type for all locations specified in the location list. (If you have game console devices at a location and if ad is scheduled for game console, then only Ion Game Consoles with software version 2009.5 or greater will play location advertisements)
  • Days of Week - Indicates which days of the week the local ad is scheduled to be played. Check the box next to a day to set the ad to play on that day, or check 'Every Day' to play the ad every day.
    Note: This option does not apply to game consoles. Game consoles will play ads every day between the start and end date of the ad.
  • Times of Day - Indicates which times of the day the local ad is scheduled to be played. Check the box next to a time of day to set the ad to play during that time of day, or check 'All Day' to play the ad all day.
    Note: This option does not apply to game consoles. Game consoles will play ads during all parts of the day for each day between the start and end date of the ad.
Local Ad Media This area shows the ad media after the content has been created. A thumbnail image of the ad will be visible. Click the image to play a preview of the ad in your web browser. If the ad is Active, click the Edit Media button to edit the local ad media.