Use the Music Tab to manage the music for all of your jukeboxes. This tab displays a listing of some or all of the music available from the AMI music library. It provides a table containing the album details (name, year released, artist, and genre) as well as the number of local Music On Demand plays and total plays in the AMI network. Next to the number of plays, you may also see a green Up arrow , or a red Down arrow . The arrow indicates if the number of plays is trending up or down over the recorded time period, four weeks for local and MOD plays. If there is no icon, the number of plays has remained relatively constant.

The main filter for the page is the drop-down option for Managing Music for. You can display music for all Jukeboxes, a group of jukeboxes, or an individual jukebox. You can search the music by name/title, popularity, status, or a combination of these.

Note: A jukebox group is a way to organize your jukeboxes (commonly by route, by location type/genre, etc.). For more information on creating and maintaining groups, open the Groups tab and click Help.

The display table contains eleven fields of information. You can search the music library using one of the Search filters (see below for search filter details).

A green plus sign icon indicates that the album is in the cart, designated to be added to the selected jukebox. If you have selected either All Jukeboxes or a jukebox group for this search, a hollow icon (white, outlined icon) indicates the album is to be added to at least one of the selected jukeboxes. A solid icon indicates the album is to be added to all of the selected jukeboxes.

Place the mouse cursor over the icon to display which jukeboxes will order the album.

A red minus sign icon indicates that the album is in the cart, designated to be removed from the jukebox. If you have selected either All Jukeboxes or a jukebox group for this search, a hollow icon (white, outlined icon) indicates the album is to be removed from at least one of the selected jukeboxes. A solid icon indicates the album is to be removed from all of the selected jukeboxes.

Place the mouse cursor over the icon to display which jukeboxes will order the album.

The red and green arrows indicate the album has been ordered and is in transit. It is either currently being shipped to (green arrow pointing toward jukebox ) or removed from (red arrow pointing away from jukebox ) the selected jukebox. If you have selected either All Jukeboxes or a jukebox group for this search, a hollow icon (white, outlined icon) indicates the album is in transit to at least one of the selected jukeboxes. A solid icon indicates the album is in transit to all of the selected jukeboxes.

Place the mouse cursor over the icon to display which jukeboxes will order the album.

This jukebox icon indicates that this album is on the selected jukebox. If you have selected either All Jukeboxes or a jukebox group for this search, a hollow icon (white, outlined icon) indicates the album is on at least one of the selected jukeboxes. A solid icon indicates the album is on all of the selected jukeboxes.

Place the mouse cursor over the icon to display which jukeboxes will order the album.

The text following the icon indicates how long the album has been on the jukebox. This value is displayed as a duration in either hours, days, weeks, or years depending on the length of time. If more than one jukebox has the album, the shorter time is displayed.

Place the mouse cursor over the text to display the exact date the album was delivered to each jukebox.

Clicking on the column sorts the albums by delivery date.

Album This is the name of the album. Albums will often have the following icons:
  • - Albums with explicit content are denoted with a red "X". If you do not want albums with explicit content to be listed in the music search listing, do not select the Show Explicit Albums checkbox.
  • - Albums that are currently featured by the AMI Librarian have a Gold Star icon after the title.
  • - Albums with music video content are denoted with a small blue rectangle icon. If you only want albums with music video content to be listed in the music search listing, select the Only Videos checkbox.

Click on the small arrow next to the album name to see the cover art and a list of all songs contained on the album. If an artist other than the one listed in the Artist column is credited for a specific track, that artist's name is listed in bold next to the song title.

ArtistThis is the name of the artist that released the album.
GenreThis is the general music category for the album.
LocalThis displays the number and trend (Trend UpTrend Down) of local plays for this album on the selected jukebox for the selected popularity timeframe.

Place the mouse cursor over the value to display the local plays for each selected jukebox.

MODThis displays the number and trend (Trend UpTrend Down) of local Music On Demand downloads for this album for the selected popularity timeframe.

Place the mouse cursor over the value to display the MOD plays for each selected jukebox.

AMIThis is the relative number and trend (Trend UpTrend Down) of plays for this album accross the entire AMI network for the selected popularity timeframe.

You can use any of the following Search filters to customize the music listing. As you select different Search filters, additional options may be displayed, as described below.

Select the Show Explicit Albums checkbox to allow albums with explicit lyrics to be displayed in the music list. If you select this option and an album has an edited version and the explicit version, both will be listed. Edited albums are denoted with EDITED and albums with explicit content are denoted with EXPLICIT and a red "X".

Select the Only Videos checkbox to only show albums with music videos to be displayed in the music list.

The Popularity selector sets the timeframe for the popularity data in the last three columns.

To control the search results listing, you can select an option from the Results per page drop-down menu (options are 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, or 200).

Search FilterDescription
Search by Name/Title/Id
Artist name whichSelect from Begins with or Contains and then enter the desired full or partial name in the text box. This search will also find songs by the artist on albums not directly attributed to them, such as a compilation album. This search will also find albums that contain a song by the artist who is not the album artist, such as soundtracks and compilation albums.

Songs matching the search criteria will appear under the album's name.

Album title whichSelect from Begins with or Contains and then enter the desired full or partial album title in the text box.
Song title whichSelect from Begins with or Contains and then enter the desired full or partial song title in the text box.

Songs matching the search criteria will appear under the album's name.

Album IdEnter the Id or Ids of the Albums you want to find. The album Id should contain only numbers and no other characters: 93281 instead of 93,281. If you are entering more than one Id, you can separate them with spaces.
Search by Popularity
Top download plays for genreUse this search to see the albums with the most Music On Demand plays for the selected jukeboxes. Select a Genre from the drop-down menu. You can choose either All Genres or a specific genre. Albums are displayed in order of most played to least played.
Top AMI network plays for genreUse this search to see the most played album across the entire AMI network for the last four weeks. Select a Genre from the drop-down menu. You can choose either All Genres or a specific genre. Albums are displayed in order of most played to least played.
AMI featured albums for genre Use this search to see the albums that have been "featured" by the AMI Librarian. This could be seasonal music, new releases, or new artists that have been signed to the AMI network. Select a Genre from the drop-down menu. You can choose either All Genres or a specific genre.

Featured albums have a Gold Star icon next to the album name.

Least playedjukebox albums When you select this option, the search automatically displays the albums local to the jukebox in the order of least played to most played. This filter can be used to remove unplayed local albums.
Search by Status
New albums on the AMI networkSelect a timeframe for the search. Select from:
  • Any time
  • Within the last week
  • Within the last two weeks
  • Within the last month
  • Within the last three months
  • Within the last six months
  • Within the last year
Then, select a Genre from the drop-down menu. You can choose either All Genres or a specific genre. The timeframe is based on the date on which the album was released onto the AMI network, not the date the album was released in stores by the label (the "street date").
Currently on my JukeboxWhen you select this option, the results will show all music currently on the selected jukeboxes.
In my shopping cartWhen you select this option, the results will show all music currently in the shopping carts for the selected jukeboxes.
Shipping to JukeboxWhen you select this option, the results will show any music that is currently in the process of being shipped to the selected jukeboxes.
Select my own criteria (Advanced)The Advanced Search filter gives you all of the options above at the same time.