Use the Orders tab to view all of your music orders. This tab displays all orders that have been placed, from active orders to historical orders up to a year old.

The main filter for the page is the drop-down option for Music Orders for. You can display all jukeboxes, a group of jukeboxes, or an individual jukebox.

Note: A jukebox group is a way to organize your jukeboxes (commonly by route, by location type/genre, etc.). For more information on creating and maintaining groups, open the Groups tab and click Help.

The display table contains six fields of information. You can search the orders listing using one of the Search filters (see below for search filter details).

Column NameDescription
Order #This is a unique ID of the music order.
DateThis is the date that the order was checked out.
This icon indicates that the order has finished processing. Hover your mouse pointer over the icon to see the date the order finished.
StatusThere are nine possible statuses:
  • Aborted - The order was aborted because the hard drive in the jukebox changed. The order is now closed.
  • Cancelled - Indicates that the order was user-terminated by another music order that reverted all of the items in this order back to their state prior to checkout. The order is closed.
  • Complete - Indicates that the order is finished without error and all music changes were delivered successfully.
  • Error - All of the items in the order failed to get delivered to the jukebox. No music changes were made to the jukebox as a result and items must be ordered again in order to update the jukebox. The order is closed.
  • Expired - All of the items in the order were part of the music order file(s) that have expired and are no longer accessible. The order is now closed.
  • Mixed - The order contains items that are in different states.
  • Partial - All of the albums ordered have been partially delivered to the Jukebox. Some of the songs on these albums failed and will be recovered automatically by the jukebox.
  • Pulled - All of the items in the order where removed or pulled from the music catalog before the jukebox could download them.
  • Waiting - The order is now waiting to be delivered to the jukebox. Once the jukebox has acknowledged the order and begins downloading the music, a percentage complete amount will appear next to the jukebox in the jukebox listing page.
UserThis is the name of the user who placed the order. Note: This is not necessarily the same user that placed the music in the cart.
AlbumsThis column displays the list of albums that were in the order. The number of albums is listed first, followed by a complete list of the albums. For each album on the list, the following is displayed: shipping status, operation icon (+ or -) artist, and album name. The possible shipping statuses are:
  • Aborted - The order was aborted by a hard drive change.
  • Cancelled - The album was cancelled by another order that reverted the item back to its pre-order state.
  • Complete - The album was successfully updated on the jukebox.
  • Error - The album failed to download to the jukebox and must be re-ordered.
  • Expired - The item was part of a music order file that has expired and is no longer accessible.
  • Partial - Some of the songs on the album failed to download to the jukebox. The album is now local to the jukebox and the order will stay open while the jukebox attempts to recover the song(s).
  • Pulled - The album was removed or pulled from the music catalog prior to delivery to the jukebox.
  • Waiting - The album modification is waiting to be delivered to the jukebox. The operation indicates if this will add the album or remove it from the jukebox.

Note: To see a quick summary of who ordered the album and when, hover over the album name with the mouse pointer.

You can use any of the following Search filters to customize the jukebox listing. As you select different Search filters, additional options may be displayed, as described below.

Search FilterDescription
Active OrdersActive orders are any orders that have not yet finished processing.
Completed OrdersCompleted orders are those that have finished processing.
Orders Placed By UserSelect a user from the drop-down list of all users.
Orders PlacedSelect a search timeframe from the drop-down list. The options are:
  • Anytime
  • Within the Last Week
  • Within the Last Two Weeks
  • Within the Last Month
  • Within the Last Three Months
  • Within the Last Six Months
  • Within the Last Year
Order #Enter an order number or order numbers in the text box. For multiple order numbers, use a comma ( , ) to separate each number.
Order StatusSelect a status from the drop-down menu to display all orders matching that status. The options are:
  • Any Status
  • Waiting for the Jukebox
  • Successful
  • Has Errors
  • Has Cancelled Items
Advanced SearchThe Advanced Search filter gives you all of the options above at the same time, plus one additional option: Completeness (you can choose Active or Complete).