This report displays the amount of money currently in your device's cashbox.

The accuracy of this report is dependent on the collector pressing the Collect button every time cash is collected from the device. If cash is collected and the collector does not press the button, the money previously removed will appear in the cashbox totals.

Report Display Fields

The Cashbox Report displays the following fields.

Column NameDescription
Time ReportedThe date and time the last cashbox data was sent from the device.
Device NameThe name of the device for which the cashbox data is for.
Device TypeAn icon representing the device type. For example, a jukebox icon representing jukebox devices.
Bill TotalThe value of all the total bills in the cashbox for the device.
Bill CountThe total number of bills in the cashbox for the device. A value of "NA" indicates the count is not available.
Coin TotalThe value of all the total coins in the cashbox for the device.
Coin CountThe total number of coins in the cashbox for the device. A value of "NA" indicates the count is not available.
Cash TotalThe value of all the total coins and total bills in the cashbox for the device.
Last CollectedThe last date a collection was performed for the device. The length of time since the last collection in years, months, or days is enclosed in parenthesis.