Help & Tutorial Index / Reports Tab / Collection Report

This report displays a record of all collections made from your devices for the selected period of time. All collection times are reported in the devices' local time zones.

The accuracy of this report is dependent on the collector pressing the Collect button every time cash is collected from the device. If cash is collected and the collector does not press the button, there will be no record of the collection.

Report Parameters

Select a Date range from the drop-down menu. The options for the Date range are:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last Week
  • Last Month
  • Last Year
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 30 Days
  • Last 365 Days
  • Week to Date
  • Month to Date
  • Year to Date
  • Custom - pick a date range

Select a subtotal

  • None - No subtotal
  • Location - Subtotal by location
  • Group - Subtotal by device group

Include Snapshot in Collection Report - Display approximate collections based on the current cashbox for the device.

Report Display Fields

The Collection Report displays the following fields.

Column NameDescription
Time CollectThis is the date and time the collection was made. Snapshots from the current cashbox will be displayed as "Not Yet Collected"
Device NameThis is the name of the device from which the collection was made.
Device TypeThis indicates the device type. The following icon represents a jukebox:
CurrencyThis indicates the currency of the money collected.
Cash & Card TotalThis is the value of all the total coins, total bills, and credit card collected from the device.
Selector TotalThis is the value of all the remote selections made from associated selectors. This amount should be removed from the selector and collected as part of the device collection.
Mobile TotalThis is the amount of mobile selections made from AMI Music Mobile Application for this device.
Total DepositsThis is the total of the Cash Total, Card Total, Selector Total, and Mobile Total.
AMI AllowanceThis is the AMI share based on a fixed percentage of the total money earned on a Jukebox. It is calculated by applying the percentage to both Music and Purchase revenue and summing these amounts for the total AMI Allowance. Select the "Details" icon in the record line for a breakdown
Fixed FeesThese are fixed fees such as credit card fees.
Off The Top AmountFor a jukebox, this is the off the top amount.
Location ShareThe total amount of money due to the location for this collection.
Operator Share The operator's share from the total money earned for this collection.

See example below for more details.

Operator CashThe total amount of money due to the operator.

This is calculated for a JukeBox as: Total Deposits - Card Total - Mobile Total - Location Share.

See example below for more details.

Details A detailed view of the amounts

Example of a Typical Jukebox Collection

This example is intended to give you an understanding of the typical collection process used with jukeboxes and how the AMI network reports on the collection events.

Glossary of AMI Terms

The following terms will be used as part of the example:

AMI ShareThe amount to be paid to AMI Entertainment from AMI Allowances and Fixed Fees.
Credit CardThe credit card amount to be credited to the Operator for this collection period
LocationThe business establishment where the jukebox is located and operating
Net CollectionsThe amount of money to be split between the Operator and the Location
Off The Top AmountA fixed amount an Operator may take before calculating a split with the location
OperatorThe company or person who owns and is responsible for operating a jukebox
Route PersonThe person responsible for collecting cash from the jukebox, splitting the cash with the location, and returning the balance to the Operator
Total BillsTotal amount of bills removed from the bill acceptor for this collection period
Total CoinsTotal amount of coins removed from the jukebox for this collection period
SelectorsThe amount of bills and coins removed from any Selectors for this collection period
MobileThe mobile purchase amount to be credited to the Operator for this collection period

Typical Collection Scenario

A Route Person goes to a Location periodically to collect money from a jukebox. The Route Person will open the jukebox and navigate to the Collection Screen in the Service Mode. The Collection Screen will show a break down of the income and expenses that will apply to this collection. For example:

     Coins                       $ 2.00
     Bills                       $13.00
     Credit Card                 $10.00
     Selectors                   $ 2.00
     Mobile                      $ 5.00
   Total Deposits                $32.00

     AMI Allowance               $12.00
     Mobile CC                   $ 0.25
     Jukebox CC                  $ 0.50
     Off The Top                 $ 5.56
   Total Fees                    $18.31

   Net Collections               $13.69
   Operator Share                $ 6.85  assume a 50% split between Operator and Location
   Location Share                $ 6.84

The Route Person touches the Collect Now button and a collection event is recorded in the jukebox, capturing the amounts shown above. Based on these numbers, the Route Person needs to give $6.84 to the location when he or she leaves. The Route Person will also get a receipt for this amount.

The Location Share is given to the location from the coins and bills taken from the jukebox and any money from selectors. The amount of actual money that the Route Person brings back to the Operator is $11.16 and is figured as follows:

   Total Coins            $ 2.00        removed from the cash box
   Total Bills            $13.00        removed from the bill acceptor
   Selectors              $ 3.00
   Location Share        -$ 6.84  given to the Location
   Operator Cash          $11.16

Note About Credit Card Amounts

The AMI share will be billed to the Operator and the Credit Card Amount will be credited to the Operator by AMI. The Route Person brings back the AMI Share in cash and has to give the Location cash for half of the Credit Card Amount less the AMI share of the credit card amount.

Note About Mobile Amounts

The AMI share will be billed to the Operator and the Mobile Amount will be credited to the Operator by AMI. The Route Person brings back the AMI Share in cash and has to give the Location cash for half of the Mobile Amount less the AMI share of the mobile amount.

Collections Calculations

Total Deposits= (Total coins) + (Total bills) + (Credit Card) + (Selectors) + (Mobile)
Fees= (Fixed Fees) + (AMI Allowance) + (Off The Top)
Net Collections= (Total Deposits) - (Fees)
Operator Share= (Net Collections) * (Operator Percent)
Location Share= (Net Collections) - (Operator Share)
Cash Total= (Total Coins) + (Total Bills) + (Selectors)
Operator Cash= (Cash Total) - (Location Share)

Sample Line from the Collections Report

Time Collect Device Name Device Type Currency Cash & Card Total Selector Total Mobile Total
08-02-2011 4:34 PM Joe's Bar USD $25.00 $2.00 $5.00
Total Deposits AMI Allowance Fixed Fees Off The Top Amount Location Share Operator Share Operator Cash
$32.00 $12.00 $0.75 $5.56 $6.84 $6.85 $11.16