Help & Tutorial Index / Reports Tab / Connection Report

This report displays a list of connection and power events one or more of your jukeboxes. This report can help you determine how stable the internet connection is between your jukeboxes and the AMI network, and when the jukeboxes are turned on or off.

Report Parameters

Date range - Select a Date range from the drop-down menu or select Custom Date to enter a specific start and end date for the report. The options for the Date range are:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 30 Days

Report Display Fields

The Connection Report displays the following fields.

Column NameDescription
Jukebox NameThe Name and (ID) of the jukebox. If multiple jukeboxes are selected, the connection report will be sectioned by jukebox.
EventThe event type:
  • Power On - The jukebox was turned on.
  • Power Off - The jukebox was turned off.
  • Connection Period - The jukebox was connected to the AMI network without interruption.
Start TimeThe time and date that the jukebox was turned on or began a connection with the AMI network.
End TimeThe time and date that the jukebox was turned off or the connection between the AMI network and the jukebox was interrupted.
Connected (m)The length of time in minutes that the jukebox was connected to the AMI network without interruption.
Power(m)The length of time in minutes that the jukebox was turned on

Notes About Results

Power and Connection events will be displayed if either the Start Time or End Time is between your selected dates.

Power On and Power Off events are linked, so is possible for the report to display Power On and Power Off events and not display all of the Connection Periods between them.

If a Power On event is displayed but no Power Off event appears, the Jukebox may either still be on, or it may have lost connection before it was powered off.