This report is a total earnings report for each of your devices for a specified date range. It includes the cash, coin, and credit card deposits for the device as well as the amounts for remote selections from all selectors associated with a device.

Report Parameters

Select a Date range from the drop-down menu. The options for the Date range are:

  • Yesterday
  • Last Week
  • Last Month
  • Last Year
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 30 Days
  • Last 365 Days
  • Week to Date
  • Month to Date
  • Year to Date
  • Custom - pick a date range

Select a subtotal

  • None - No subtotal
  • Location - Subtotal by location
  • Group - Subtotal by device group

Report Display Fields

The Revenue Report displays the following fields.

Column NameDescription
Device NameThis is the name of the device.
Device TypeThis indicates the device type. The following icon represents a jukebox:
CurrencyIndicates the currency of the money deposited.
Bill TotalThis is the value of paper currency deposited into the device.
Coin TotalThis is the value of coins deposited into the device.
Card TotalThis is the value of credit card deposits charged from the device.
Selector TotalThis is the amount of money used for remote selections by the selector(s) associated with the device.
Mobile TotalThis is the amount of money used for mobile selections by the AMI Music Mobile Application.
Device TotalThis is the total cash, coin, credit card, selector and mobile amount deposited on the device.
TotalsColumn totals are displayed for all columns.