Help & Tutorial Index / Reports Tab / TapTv Popularity Report

This report displays overall TapTV usage by patrons at a location, group of locations, or all locations, given a date range.

Report Parameters

Select a Date range from the drop-down menu or select Custom Date to enter a specific start and end date for the report. You can also specify a subtotal by channel or location. The report displays daily results by default. This may be changed to yearly, monthly or hourly as desired. Players are counted on a per hour basis when utilizing the hourly time selection for this report, while a player will only be counted once for the daily reports. This may lead to differing totals when comparing hourly and daily reports. You can select a time zone that matches one of your locations for this report.

Report Display Fields

The TapTv Popularity Report displays the following fields.

Column NameDescription
DateThis is the date granularity the report is based on
ChannelWe currently have two channels, poker and trivia. These are not related but displayed together for your convenience.
Total PlayersThe total players per channel per date granularity.
Avg Play Time Per PlayerThis is the average time the players spent playing.