Help & Tutorial Index / Reports Tab / Trivia Location Report

The trivia location report displays trivia usage patterns by players at a location, group of locations, or all locations, given a date range.

Report Parameters

Select the location that you want to run the report on in the location drop down menu. Opt for the location's time zone, or chose another optional time zone for your report. Then select the date range for your report, and specify if you want the report to be based on day or on an hourly basis. When you have set all your options, click the Run Report button.

Report Display Fields

The Trivia Location Report displays the following fields.

Column NameDescription
TimeInformation is reported by time, which is either set to be by day or by hour. Activity by day will display total activity per distinct day. Activity by hour does not take day into account and shows total activity on an hourly basis within the time range chosen. For example, if the time range spans two days, and each day saw activity by 1:00 AM, then that activity is summed together and displayed as 1:00 AM. To break down activity for one specific day by hour, then select the specific day that you are interested in, then group the report by hour. This way you will see hourly activity distinct for a specific day.
Total GamesThe total number of games played by at least one player at the chosen location and date range.
Unique Daily PlayersTotal number of unique players who played within one day at the chosen location and date range.
Average Players Per GameThe average number of players per game at this location for the date range.
Average Games Per PlayerThe average number of games played per player at this location for the date range indicated.
Average Play Time Per PlayerThe average amount of time played per player at this location for the date range indicated.
Top 20 National FinishesThe number of times the location ranked in the top 20 nationally for the date range indicated.
Favorite CategoryThe most frequently played category at this location for the date range indicated.
Favorite TimeThe most frequent play time for players at this location for the date range indicated.