Help & Tutorial Index / Media Player Tab

Use this tab to manage all of your Media Players. This tab displays a listing of locations with Media Players, showing the status, last activity, location nickname, channels, and Media Players at a location.

The main filter for the page is Showing. You can display all Media Player locations or an individual location.

The display table contains the following five fields of information. You can search the Media Player listing using one of the Search filters (see below for search filter details).

Column NameDescription
Status There are three possible statuses:
  • Good - Indicates that the Media Players have connected to the server within the last three days and no other errors have been reported.
  • Inactive - Indicates that the Media Players have experienced an issue affecting the connectivity of the device.
  • Warning - Indicates that the Media Players have not connected to the server within the last three days.
  • Error - Indicates that the Media Players have not connected to the server within the last seven days.
  • Mixed - Indicates that the Media Players at the location have multiple, conflicting status.
Last ActivityThis displays the last date and time a Media Player at the location has connected to the server.
NicknameThis is the nickname of the location with a Media Player.
ChannelsThis is a list of currently active channels at the location for the Media Player.
Devices This is the name of the Media Player(s) at a location with an icon representing the individual unit's status.

If there are multiple units at the location, the details will be hidden. A count of units will be displayed with the option to expand the view for full unit details.

You can use any of the following Search filters to customize the Media Player listing. As you select different Search filters, additional options may be displayed, as described below.

Search FilterDescription
NoneThis option displays all Media Player locations that match the main filter criteria.
NameEnter a Media Player location name in the text entry field to see a specific Media Player. The search is a "contains" search. For instance, if you enter "Roy," Media Players with names like "Royal Caterers" or "Fitzroy Pub" will display.
ModelSelect a model from the drop-down menu. The menu list is populated with all possible models plus an Any Model option.
StatusSelect a status from the drop-down menu to display all Media Players matching that status. The options are:
  • Good
  • Inactive
  • Warning
  • Error
MAC AddressSearch Media Players according to a specific or partial hardware MAC Address.
SerialSearch Media Players according to a specific or partial hardware serial number.
Advanced SearchThe Advanced Search filter gives you all of the options above at the same time.