Help & Tutorial Index / Reports Tab / Trivia Results Detail Report

This report provides detailed information on trivia results for one day from a specified location. The information is broken up into hours and 20 minute intervals.

Report Parameters

Select a day by clicking on the date or the calendar icon to the upper left corner of the page. Proceed by clicking the Run Report button to generate data for the chosen day. You may click the Previous Result or the Next Result buttons as an alternative.

The information is gathered from one location. The location is specified by selecting it from the location drop down menu.

Report Display Fields

The Trivia Results Detail Report displays the following fields.

Column NameDescription
Top PlayerTop Player appears in two different locations for this report. Towards the top of the page, the encircled top player displays the top trivia player for the chosen day at the specified location. The hourly rows below display the top player per hour.
Total PlayersThe encircled value to the top shows the accumulated amount of players that played trivia on this location for the specified day. The rows beneath this value shows the amount of players that played on an hourly basis.
HourThis is the hourly granularity the report is based on.
Location RankThe location rank shows how the location ranked nationally for the game.
Player NameThe name of the player.
Total TimeThe amount of time the player was in the game. This is the time the game ended minus the time the player joined.
Questions Correct/TotalThe number of questions the player answered, the number of correct answers, and the percentage of correct answers.
ScoreThe final score for the player in the game.
StreakThe number of consecutive questions answered correctly for the player in the game.
Local RankThe order the player finished in the game at this location. This is the rank with respect to score.
National RankThe order the player finished in the game nationally. This is the rank with respect to score.